Endurance 11-27-23


11/28: The Gary T (@CRCF) 
4 Rounds of..
6:00 To Complete:
15/12 Cal Row
8 Burpees over the rower
12/9 Cal Row
6 Burpees over the rower
8/5 Calorie Row
4 Burpees over the rower
(Rest in the time remaining/round)
(2:00 Reset & Flip-flop Workouts)
4 Rounds of..
6:00 To Complete
300m Run
8 Box Jump-Overs
200m Run
6 Box Jump-Overs
100m Run
4 Box Jump-Overs


Endurance 11-20-23


11/21: Running For Time (Distance Increase) @ CRCF
2-Mile Loop- for time
(5:00 Rest/Reset)
1.5 mile Loop
(5:00 Rest/Reset)
1 Mile Loop

Endurance 11-13-23


Beat the Clock- Challenge 2! @CRCF
3 Rounds
12:00 to Complete...
1000m Run
50 Double Unders//100 Single Under's
50 (Quick) Bicycle Crunches
1000m Run
3:00 Rest/Reset

Endurance 11-06-23


11/7- Ladder Runs @ The BOUND BROOK High School TRACK
400m SLOW -warm up- walk.jog
400m Run (1-lap)
400m Slow -recovery- jog/walk
800m Run (2-laps)
400m Slow -recovery- jog/walk
1200m Run (3-laps)
400m Slow -recovery- jog/walk
1600m Run (4-Laps)
400m SLOW -cool down- walk/jog

Endurance 10-23-23


How many 400m Pushes/Carries can your team get?!?
P1: 400m Run
While P2: Starts 400m Sled Push
(2:00 Rest)
P1: 400m Run
While P2: Starts 400m DBall Carry

Endurance 10-16-23


Running Of Time @ CRCF!
1.5 Mile Loop
5:00 Reset
1.5 Mile Loop (Try to match, if not beat, your initial time!)
5:00 Reset
1.5 Mile Loop (Try to match, if not beat, your initial time!)


Endurance 10-09-23


11:00 to Complete:
800m Run
(10) Box Jumps
(50) Double Unders// (100) Single Unders
(10) Burpees
800m Run
*3:00 Rest/FULL Reset*


Endurance 10-02-23


Team Paced Track Runs

"So what's a "last man up track run" you ask? It's a conditioning exercise, where a group of runners jog single file at a steady pace, and then the last runner in line must sprint to the front of the line, taking the place of the first runner, and everyone must try their best to keep the leaders pace - and so on.

Endurance 09-18-23


Mystery Run & Fun @ CRCF
Just show up...run and come back to do whatever "fun" is noted on the whiteboard!


Endurance 09-04-23


9/5 - @ The BOUND BROOK High School TRACK
8 Rounds For Time..
100m Sprint
100m Walking Lunges
100m Sprint
100m Walking Lunges
400m Jog